Sandra Steingraber’s Living Downstream


 In order for a health practitioner to do the job well, educating oneself about the health effects of environmental contamination is required. An individual can only do so much for their health when regularly exposed to endocrine disruptors, carcinogens and more in our food, water, air, and homes. We are all exposed, as a community. Some problems can't be solved with vitamin D and kale (as hard as that is to believe!) 

I'm grateful for Sandra Steingraber's book Living Downstream- a research-based yet personal exploration of the health effects of environmental contaminants. May we educate ourselves and demand change in our own communities, together.

And no, my mug does not contain toxic sludge. 


NOFA Standards for Organic Land Care


Plants, H2O Connoisseurs: Why Rainwater is the Gourmet Option